Frequently Asked Question
Can investors withdraw their funds in the middle of investing even if it's only 50%?
No, as the funds have been used to invest in start-ups, and the purpose of investing in Ango Ventures is for the long term, we have used a lock-up period of 3-5 years since the shareholders invested on the first day
If something bad happens to Mariko-san as CEO, how will the business continue at Ango Ventures?
Ango Ventures will appoint a new CEO based on the decision of all shareholders on General Meeting of Shareholders, between the heirs of Mariko-san is her husband or another shareholder who will be mandated to become Mariko-san’s successor.
If we exit the start-up, what benefits can the shareholders get?
All shareholders are entitled to a total profit of 70% of all investment profits and will be spread pro-rata to shareholders based on the length of investment and % of ownership. Then Ango Ventures has the right to use 30% of the total exit profit as working capital.
How long is the lock-up period at Ango Ventures?
We do a lock-up period of 3-5 years, which is shorter than other Venture Capitals which generally have a 5-10 years lock-up period.
What is the difference between Ango Ventures and Crowd Funding and Peer to Peer Lending?
- Ango Ventures is a closed investment platform, meaning that shareholders are curated. Not everyone can take part in Ango because the point is to ensure there is value added expertise and network. To invest in startups with a portfolio allocation of 35% to social business startups and startups that have the capacity to create a company valuation of USD 1 billion in the next 5-7 years.
- Crowd Funding is a public platform that raises funds whose system can be in the form of donations or investments. The form can take various forms, truly pure donations or will get ownership of a portion of the company’s shares, then status as a donor or shareholder, depending on the system adopted.
- In Peer-to-Peer Lending, the system adopted is a loan, so there will be an obligation to return the funds back to the lender at some time, no need to provide collateral, but must comply with the terms. Lenders in the Peer-to-Peer Lending system have the status of lenders, have the right to get their money back at some point in the future and are entitled to interest on the funds they lend to business actors.
How does the ROI work in Ango Ventures?
- Lock the investment for 3-5 years,
- We seek to getting the dividend from restaurant per year starting 2022 by dividing 70% of the proceeds from the sale/exit to the shareholders with a prorate and 30% for working capital/re-investment.
- We seek to exit 1 company per 3 years by dividing 70% of the proceeds from the sale/exit to the shareholders with a prorate and 30% for working capital/re-investment.
What are the investment steps for potential shareholders?
First of all are the personal data of potential shareholders such as:
- KTP for Indonesian citizens / Passport for non-citizens
- Emergency Contact
- Email Address
- Resume/CV
After that, our legal and investor relations team will process it by sending the next steps, such as:
- Non-Disclosure Agreement
- Requirements & Invoice Sheet
- Indonesian citizens must wait for the new articles of association until next year at the latest April 2023, foreign nationals will receive a Convertible Loan Agreement
What is the meaning of corporate restructuring in the term sheet given to investors?
Corporate restructuring here is a condition where Ango Ventures, which is now registered as a legal entity in Indo as PT (PT Global Sistem Kreasi), changes/restructures, for example opening a legal entity abroad (Singapore or Japan), or for example restructuring into PMV or PMA. This will affect how the conversion of shares from convertible loans will be carried out. If the investor is a foreigner, of course, legally, he can only enter the deed if Ango has an entity abroad.
Where have Ango Ventures invested so far? So, what are the aspects that Ango Ventures looks at before investing in a start-up?
We have a portfolio with the two largest subjects with a total of 32% in start-ups based on commercial business and social business enterprises and 38% in Property and Restaurant. If we make an investment in a start-up, we will ask based on the SDG’s aspect initiated by the United Nations, where it correlates to the sustainability of the living ecosystem in the environment and the welfare of the community.
What questions should I ask myself again when I want to join Ango Ventures?
Here are the questions you should ask yourself again:
- What are you looking for from Ango Ventures? Just the benefits or do you want to have a real impact on society?
- Do you like and are willing to provide mentoring and insight to young people who will already give their energy and thoughts to the progress of Indonesia?
- What do you want to achieve with us?
- What Best Expertise do you want to give us and the young people we foster in our portfolio?
If I want to invest in installments, is it possible?
Of course you can if you invest in ANGO Ventures. And if you want to make an investment installment at ANGO Ventures, there are several requirements that you must comply with, namely:
1. Installments can be made up to 12x;
2. and, must expire before the company’s re-valuation in October/November of that year in order to get the discounted share price.
How long does it take for my name to be included in the deed of amendment to the results of the General Meeting of Shareholders?
Generally when you make an investment, we will change the deed within 12 months and we always change the deed every year. If you are an investor from Indonesia, it will be included in the deed of amendment in the following year. If you are a foreign investor, it will be entered into the deed after we become a foreign investment company based in Singapore