andy gozali

About ANGO

Kami Menghubungkan Indonesia dan Jepang Melalui Early Stage Investment

Ango Ventures was born out of my many experiences as a Business founder. I realised that whenever I start up a Business of any nature in any industry, it was never easy to tell my story, convince potential investors to join in the early stages or even get credible advice for me grow the Business right after I start.

By teaming up with leaders in their respective Industries. Ango Ventures can help potential new Businesses across different verticals and aid them not only in funding but also pair them up with the right mentors to start or grow their Businesses.

Andy Gozali, Founder of ANGO Ventures


My Story

How I Got Started

2015, was the darkest moment of my life, financially I was blessed but this heart of mine simply couldn’t stop to think about how our business was going down. Till the moment I stopped and thought about how about other people? Long story short I started to learn how to have this heart for others.

2016, I joined a lot of NGO and thanks be to God, I saw many people with heart of gold and learned that life is not meant for myself and I started to see how can I help and impact more and more people. But, I had this huge discontentment in my heart, why is there only NGO and highly profitable business on the other extreme? Why can’t be both profitable and impactful. There I started my journey with my ANGO partner on our quest to find and support more social businesses.

In the last few years I am learning and finding this secret sauce to make a successful social business. First, I invested my own money and till 2020 I have exited 3 companies, and they are doing extraordinarily good.

Mariko Asmara Yoshihara, Co-Founder & CEO of ANGO Ventures 



mariko asmara

Investors We Are Looking For

First Time Investors / Executives

Tentu saja bukan sekedar orang yang hanya ingin menanamkan modal saja. Tetapi, Anda yang ingin memberikan kontribusi besar kepada SME di Indonesia

Specific Background

Kami ingin setiap invetor memiliki latar belakang dan keahlian khusus untuk berkontribusi bagi Jepang dan Indonesia lewat bisnis yang dimana mereka bergabung.

Have Faith In Indonesia & Japan

Semua investor yang bergabung dengan kami harus memiliki kepercayaan jangka panjang terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, sosial, masyarakat Indonesia dan Jepang.

Committed With The Business

Kami tidak ingin investor yang hanya ingin menunggangi bisnis dimana mereka investasi, Tetapi juga komit untuk sama-sama saling bantu dan membangun.


Setiap investor bersedia untuk secara aktif ikut bersama dan bergabung di dalam acara-acara yang kami, ANGO Ventures, rencanakan dan lakukan.

investment stages

Businesses We Are Investing In

Our Key Industries

Bisnis-bisnis yang bergerak di bidang digitalisasi, edukasi, kesehatan, women empowerment dan juga F&B meliputi Food Technology.

Technology Leveraged

Setiap bisnis yang kami invest harung menggunakan teknologi untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang mereka hadapi di dalam industri mereka.

Funding Stages

Kami melakukan funding dari tahapan Seed sampai di Series A Funding stages.

1 Million US$ Potential

Kami melakukan investasi terhadap usaha-usaha yang memiliki potensi mencapai 1 Juta USD di dalam kurun waktu yang kami harapkan yaitu 5-7 tahun.

venture capital

I Believe That Life Is Not Meant To Be For Ourselves

Mariko Asmara Yoshihara

Are you who we are looking for?

First Time Investors? Executives Looking For Impact In Life?

Pertama kali melakukan investasi? Atau Anda adalah seorang executive yang ingin mencari makna dalam hidup?

Bersama, kami, Ango Ventures, akan membangun bisnis bersama entrepreneur muda Indonesia dengan tujuan sosial seperti menghapuskan kemiskinan, dan pada waktu yang bersamaan membangun sebuah sistem dimana kita bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari bisnis tersebut di waktu yang bersamaan. 


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